Productivity Guide �� ����� ��� IDEA
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Bar �� ������ �� ���� �� Ư¡�� ���� �������� ���� (Ư���� IDEA
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Productivity Guide�� �θ���, �� �޴����� Help | Productivity
Guide�� �����մϴ�.

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Show how often (in average) the particular feature is used
Ư���� Ư¡�� �󸶳� ���� ���Ǵ�(�������)�� �����ݴϴ�
�Ʒ� ������� IDEA ���ۿ� ��Ÿ���� Tip of the day�� ����� ���õ� Ư¡�� �����ϰ� �ִ� ������ �����ݴϴ�.
Also IDEA provides additional assistance basing on the Productivity
Guide . When
you start a time-consuming process (like compiling) and Progress
Bar appears IDEA will
show tips for features recommended to be used basing on the Productivity
Guide data.
���� IDEA�� Productivity
Guide�� ���ʸ� �ΰ� �ִ� �ΰ��� ������ �����մϴ�. ����� �ð��� �ɸ��� ���μ���(�����ϰ� ����)�� ������ ���� Progress Bar�� ��Ÿ�� �� IDEA�� Productivity Guide �����͸� ���ʷ� ���Ǵ� Ư¡�� �ǰ��� ���� ���� �����ݴϴ�.
